Few quick updates!
My 18th birthday was on the 15th, so now I'm officially of age for just about anything in this country. I got a new laptop for my birthday, which is pretty awesome. It's specs are about on par with a £3000 Apple computer, but it cost closer to £800, which is also pretty awesome.
I also got £110, which I plan to spend on a 3DS this Friday, when it comes out, which is just as well, since I discovered my DS' L button is broken.
Speaking of DS, I got a couple of games, including Okamiden for the DS, which is great so far, and particularly so, since my parents won't let me take any home consoles to University :/
And speaking of THAT, my January exam results came through. Didn't quite get what I was hoping for, since I only got a B in M3, but I did some calculation, and worked out that, to make my Cambridge offer, I need 50% in the remaining Physics exams, and 76% in the remaining Maths exams, which is pretty good, especially considering I got close to 100% in all my Physics exams so far, and my lowest Maths score so far has been 77%.
On an unrelated note, I've been watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which is absolutely fantastic and you should all watch it, but a word of warning: YOU WILL NOT BE READY.
And while we're on the subject of Japan, I send my deepest condolences to anyone living around the Sendai area, or to anyone who knows anyone around there. I may well donate some money to help them repair.
That's more or less the update done. I leave you with this message: