Yeah... I'm sure you don't care, but I've been away for a while, getting on with my life (and some interesting stuff has happened). I've jumped back into Newgrounds with the redesign, and probably will be popping in and out of the forums every now and then. Now for some life updates!
Number one is that I'm now living most of the time on my own in a university dorm, because I'm now at university. Cambridge University, to be precise. It's pretty awesome, I have to say, but not an inconsiderable amount of work. I'm now half way through my second term, and I think it's all pretty okay!
Number two is that I'm no longer programming in Flash. I haven't been for a while, to tell the truth, but I have a load of half-finish Flash projects that failed either because I lost motivation, or Flash didn't have the resources to run such ambitious programs correctly (I was still using AS2, and to date, I still haven't learned AS3). Instead, I can now program in Java and C# and, thanks to my university course, an incredibly obscure language called ML, which, to be honest, I'm not all that keen on... In addition to this, anyone who's knew me several years ago (if there are any of you left) may remember a game I made called Space Raiders: The Lost City (which I subsequently deleted because it was awful). I have, quite recently, taken to rebooting it. However, it is getting a total re-code in C#, the concept has been dramatically changed, and all but a few details are totally unrecognisable from the original. Taking inspiration from Touhou, I'm building it into a fast-paced vertical scrolling danmaku, rather than a slow, dull and very boring vertical crawl. The coding is going well, and I also have a graphic designer who is working on character art, as well as all the concept art. It will also have a different name, though I don't know what, yet. It's going to be awesome, trust me.
And thirdly, and possibly most importantly, is that I'm no longer single! I now have an awesome girlfriend. She's a D&D player, and a gamer, and, rather embarrassingly, she's better than me at Pokemon, despite the fact I grew up with it and still have my original save data on my Yellow version... Her name is Hannah and she's a couple of years younger than me, so not yet at university. Still, despite the fact we live at opposite ends of the country most of the time, we're in frequent contact and she visits me quite often. Yep, she's awesome, and that about sums it up.
Also redesign is pretty sweet.
In other news (yes, that is me):