I've been sick with my XBL Gamertag, Colesiboy123 for a while now. My brother and I made it years ago using our last name so that we could share the account.
He's away in New Zealand now, he's given me the portion of the Xbox he owns, and XBL is being paid for through me, so I thought it was high time to change my tag.
Unfortunately, Hoeloe was taken. My thoughts went on about what I should change it to, and then I remembered Transformice, and how I became a member of "The Pros". So, naturally, I checked the availability of "Proloe" on Xbox.com. It told me it was free! Now, I would love to end it there and say that my tag is now Proloe, but it's not. I went to buy the name, and my Xbox came up with an error: Tag is in use. It turns out, Zune devices can take tags too, but don't show up in internet searches.
After a lot of deliberation, I eventually settled with "The Proloe", so that is now my gamertag!
TL;DR: My Gamertag is now The Proloe.
So, do you want me to add you or something?