Today is the last day of Song of the Firefly's Kickstarter campaign. While we've had a lot of really great support, our exposure hasn't quite been enough to give us the funding we need (if people want to prove us wrong on that point, and pledge the rest of the funding today, please go ahead). We're not going to cancel the project, though. Instead we're going to try and develop some more content without a budget, and try and get the money we need in any way we can, including launching another Kickstarter when we have more exposure and content. It's going to be a long and difficult challenge, but I know we'll manage it eventually. You'll just have to sit tight for a bit longer.
A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed already, and anyone who will contribute after this. Your support means a lot!
If you want to donate, visit our Kickstarter Page.
Or, if you want to help us in a small way, but can't donate, then try Steam Greenlight.
Thanks again to everyone who has or will contribute!